Service Delivery Area: Benefits
Human-Centered Design Improving Access to Public Benefits and Customer Experience: Key Actions and Best Practices
Comprehensive and sustained improvement in benefits access and customer experience requires changes across policy, operations, technology, staffing, procurement, and more. This guide offers a collection of actions and best practices for states to apply.
Digital Identity Biometric Identification Technologies: Considerations to Address Information Gaps and Other Stakeholder Concerns
Biometric identification technologies—such as facial recognition and fingerprinting—can affect underserved communities, including low-income and minority communities. GAO interviewed academics, advocacy groups, and technology experts to find out how.
Policy Building Resilience: A Plan for Transforming Unemployment Insurance
The GAO placed the UI system on its High Risk List in June 2022, leading the DOL to develop a transformation plan detailing activities and strategies for building a resilient UI system capable of responding effectively to future economic challenges.
Digital Identity Project Snapshot: California Employment Development Department, User Personas for Government Technology Procurement
The California Employment Development Department (CA EDD) launched the EDDNext initiative to modernize benefit delivery, focusing on user-centric procurement for a new identity verification system. By using user personas to assess vendor solutions, CA EDD accelerated the procurement process and selected Socure to implement the digital identity proofing system, set to launch in 2024.
Procurement California Employment Development Department: Identity Proofing Demonstration Day Flyer
This flyer provides an overview of CA EDD's Identity Proofing Demo Day approach and agenda.
Human-Centered Design Michigan UIA Design Directives and Principles
Two-sided notecard shared with the entire UIA agency with a message uplifting these tenets in service to Michigan workers and employers.
Digital Identity California Employment Development Department: Identity Proofing Questions for Vendors
This artifact shows questions that the California EDD asked identity proofing vendors to respond to during a 2023 technology acquisition process.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Voices of Washington’s Unemployed: Highlights and Analysis From 100 Interviews with Recent Unemployment Benefits Claimants in Washington State
Through the interviews, ULP sought to capture details of claimant experience, see how and why system failures occurred, and make recommendations for reform now—before another financial or public health crisis suddenly causes state unemployment rates to spike.
Data SNAP Community Characteristics Dashboard Congressional District Explorer
This exploratory tool was built to share information about SNAP participation, income, and household demographics within each congressional district. Users may select their own district, along with any other district of interest, and can compare two districts at once within a given state.
Cutting Red Tape for Americans Renewing Their Health Coverage
After the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) ended, the Facing a Financial Shock team at the U.S. Digital Service (USDS) partnered with the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) and state Medicaid agencies to improve eligibility and enrollment systems. By mobilizing a small strike team of implementers to analyze the software and processes that are used to complete health coverage renewals, USDS helped CMCS and state teams tackle major challenges.
Policy Building a Stronger Foundation for American Families: Options for Child Tax Credit Reform
Our existing maze of family tax benefits — including the CTC, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC), and head of household (HoH) filing status — has several structural deficiencies that make overhauling the system a prerequisite for any effort to boost support for families with children. The report offers several options for expanding and streamlining family tax benefits to address these issues.
Automation + AI Helping Families Access Public Benefits with AI and Automation
Webinar that shares Nava’s partnership with the Gates Foundation and the Benefits Data Trust that seeks to answer if generative and predictive AI can be used ethically to help reduce administrative burdens for benefits navigators.