Organization: U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Training and Employment Notice No. 18-24: Customer Experience Checklist and Resources for Unemployment Insurance Programs
Includes customer experience checklist, metrics, and resources to help states improve unemployment insurance programs.
Building Resilience: A Plan for Transforming Unemployment Insurance
The GAO placed the UI system on its High Risk List in June 2022, leading the DOL to develop a transformation plan detailing activities and strategies for building a resilient UI system capable of responding effectively to future economic challenges.
Plain Language: Foundations 101 Webcast
This is a video recording of a NASWA Feb 2024 webinar on plain language presented for UI state leaders. Slides are also available.
Improving Unemployment Insurance Applications with CX Principles
This resource contains principles and examples of high-impact improvements to consider making in different parts of the online application.
Improving mobile usability for claimants
This webpage from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) provides guidance on improving mobile usability for Unemployment Insurance (UI) systems to enhance customer experience and accessibility.
Prototyping a document management system for future emergencies
Research from the Department of Labor shows that document management systems reduce barriers for claimants and help states be more efficient. With additional improvements and investment, these systems can be even more effective in serving the public and reducing backlogs in times of crisis.
Use Cases for Robotic Process Automation in UI Claims Processing
For the past year, modernization teams at the Department of Labor (DOL) have been helping states identify opportunities to automate rote, non-discretionary, manual tasks, with the goal of helping them speed up the time that it takes to process claims. This post provides more context on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and potential use cases in unemployment insurance.
Customer Experience Principles for Unemployment Insurance
The blog post sets up a foundational perspective on CX principles for the state UI agencies.
Unemployment Insurance IT Modernization Strategy
This U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) strategy outlines a roadmap for modernizing the Unemployment Insurance (UI) system to enhance efficiency, equity, and access for workers.
Evaluating CX with Survey Design
In the Fall of 2022, the USDOL Office of Unemployment Insurance Modernization (OUIM) consulted with the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) to provide hands-on support with IT modernization and customer experience strategy. Primary discussions focused on making informed product, service, and business decisions based on qualitative and quantitative data— how might IDES leverage existing data streams to identify the most pressing technology issues in their unemployment insurance system, and how might IDES act upon this information in a timely and impactful manner?
Unemployment Insurance Equitable Access Toolkit
The Unemployment Insurance Equitable Access Toolkit contains common equity recommendations, promising practices, and insights, represented visually as a different floor of an agency office building, compiled in one interactive document.
The UI Lexicon Project
To better understand the problem and find potential solutions, the U.S. Department of Labor conducted an exploratory UI Lexicon research project.