Location: Pennsylvania (PA)
Service Design Strategist
This is a job description for the role of Service Design Strategist from the City of Philadelphia Office of the Chief Administrator (CAO).
Senior Research Designer
This is a job description for the role of Senior Research Designer from the City of Philadelphia Office of the Chief Administrator (CAO).
Senior Civic Innovation Specialist
This is a job description for the role of Senior Civic Innovation Specialist from the City of Pittsburgh Department of Innovation and Performance.
Innovation Coordinator
This is a job description for the role of Innovation Coordinator from the City of Philadelphia Office of Innovation & Technology.
Benefits Launch Express
Created by Benefits Data Trust, Benefits Launch Express is a high-level eligibility screening and assistance finder available to Philadelphia residents. The tool screens eligibility for 29 programs and is estimated to take up to 10 minutes to complete.
Simple Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Clients Accessing Government Benefits
Our work with Pennsylvania to implement user experience and user interface changes shows that innovation can be easier to implement than it might seem.
BenePhilly SNAP Demonstration Project
This report summarizes preliminary findings from BenePhilly’s 18 months of operation (June 2010–December 2011).
Advocacy in the Dark: A Pennsylvania Case Study on Advocating to Improve Technology that Drives Eligibility Decisions
Technology that automates different processes can save time for caseworkers and constituents, but it can also significantly reduce the transparency of government operations. This paper describes how Pennsylvania advocates addressed the low rate of automated Medicaid renewals.
A Better Way to Connect People with the Benefits They Need
This article explores innovative strategies to improve access to public benefits by reducing administrative barriers and leveraging technology for a more user-friendly experience.