Intended Audience: Tribal/Indigenous Government: Agency
Cross-Sector Insights From the Rules as Code Community of Practice
This report highlights key findings from the Rules as Code Community of Practice, including practitioners' challenges with complex policies, their desire to share knowledge and resources, the need for increased training and support, and a collective interest in developing open standards and a shared code library.
Gathering feedback with customer panels
To improve the .gov registrar, 18F and CISA created customer panels to gather feedback, opinions, and suggestions. Using a customer-centric approached enabled 18F and CISA to identify areas for improvement, build a product roadmap, and establish relationships with users.
A Snapshot of Artificial Intelligence Procurement Challenges
Artificial intelligence promises exciting new opportunities for the government to make policy, deliver services and engage with residents. But government procurement practices need to adapt if we are to ensure that rapidly-evolving AI tools meet intended purposes, avoid bias, and minimize risks to people, organizations, and communities. This report lays out five distinct challenges related to procuring AI in government.
Creating a Hiring Question Bank for Digital Service Teams
Event recap from DSN Webinar: Digital Service Team Hiring Insights and Question Bank
TANF Data Collaborative Pilot: Analyzing Application Denial Rates in Michigan
This brief describes the TANF Data Collaborative (TDC), an innovative approach to increasing data analytics capacity at state Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) agencies.
Spanish Translation Guide for Unemployment Insurance
Guidelines and resources to help improve Spanish translations for unemployment insurance (UI) content
Using open-source LLMs to optimize government data
Companies have been developing and using artificial intelligence (AI) for decades. But we've seen exponential growth since OpenAI released their version of a large language model (LLM), ChatGPT, in 2022. Open-source versions of these tools can help agencies optimize their processes and surpass current levels of data analysis, all in a secure environment that won’t risk exposing sensitive information.
The Ad Hoc Research Thinking Field Guide
This field guide is for digital services and technology leaders working at the federal, state, or local government level. It describes a way of applying research approaches to strategic decision making across digital services.
The Equitable Tech Horizon in Digital Benefits Panel
Hear perspectives on topics including centering beneficiaries and workers in new ways, digital service delivery, digital identity, and automation.This video was recorded at the Digital Benefits Conference (BenCon) on June 14, 2023.
Child Care and Development Fund Equity Assessment Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources for training and technical assistance (T/TA) providers in the Child Care Technical Assistance Network (CCTAN) to help State, Territory, and Tribal CCDF Lead Agencies be prepared to conduct equity assessments.
Hawai’i SNAP-WIC Data Sharing Memorandum of Agreement
This MOA outlines Hawai'i's legal data sharing agreement between the Women, Infants and Children Services Branch of the Department of Health (DOH/WIC), and the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division of the Department of Human Services (DHS/BESSD) to exchange SNAP and WIC data.
A Guide to Responsible and Efficient Use of Generative Tools
This video shows you how to get started with using Generative AI tools, including Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT, in your work as public sector professionals.