Intended Audience: Local/Municipal Government: Agency
Human-Centered Design Benefits Playbook for Designing Human-Centered Applications
By implementing these best practices, states can improve the experience of accessing essential public benefits programs.
Human-Centered Design Problem Identification & Definition Workshop Miro
This workshop guide offers teams an opportunity to jointly work toward understanding core problems impacting digital delivery in their organization. The guide is structured in two parts: (1) a Miro template and (2) a Facilitation Guide.
Human-Centered Design Problem Identification & Definition Workshop Facilitation Guide
This workshop guide offers teams an opportunity to jointly work toward understanding core problems impacting digital delivery in their organization. The guide is structured in two parts: (1) a Miro template and (2) a Facilitation Guide.
Human-Centered Design Interview Template Digital Delivery Assessment
This interview template includes questions designed to help teams conduct exploratory, semi-structured interviews with government stakeholders involved in program delivery to gather information that can help them evaluate the status quo of digital delivery in their organization.
Talent + Hiring What works in training government partners: insights and recommendations
The article discusses effective strategies for training government partners in digital services, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing training, setting clear objectives, and fostering mutual understanding and trust.
Human-Centered Design Orchard Design System
Orchard is Georgia's official design system. Orchard makes it easy to quickly build an accessible, mobile-friendly, and uniform digital experience.
Procurement Transforming The City of Boston’s Procurement: Cultivating Strategic Relationships for Streamlined Solutions
The second event in the Digital Service Network’s summer event series, Let’s Get Digital, focused on the City of Boston’s transformative journey to streamline its procurement processes.
Human-Centered Design New York State’s Digital Evolution: Championing User-Centric Service Delivery Through Visionary Leadership
For the Digital Service Network’s (DSN) final installment of its summer event series, Let’s Get Digital, we heard about New York State’s (NYS) human-centered design (HCD) journey and how relationships between leadership and digital service teams have been pivotal in advancing user-centric service delivery.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024: Video and Recap
The Policy2Code Prototyping Challenge explored utilizing generative AI technology to translate U.S. government policies for public benefits into plain language and code, culminating in a Demo Day where twelve teams showcased their projects for feedback and evaluation.
Management Mission Driven Bureaucrats at BenCon 2024
This talk explores how empowering public servants and fostering a sense of purpose, rather than stricter controls, is key to improving government.
Human-Centered Design Friction! What Makes Getting Public Benefits So Hard and How Understanding Administrative Burdens Can Increase Access at BenCon 2024
Don Moniyhan shares specific burdens and how to measure their impacts.
Digitizing Policy + Rules as Code POMs and Circumstance at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team explored using LLMs to interpret the Program Operations Manual System (POMS) into plain language logic models and flowcharts as educational resources for SSI and SSDI eligibility, benchmarking LLMs in RAG methods for reliability in answering queries and providing useful instructions to users.