Intended Audience: Individual
Government Titles and Technology Roles
This resource helps tech professionals navigate how their skills and roles align with government job types and titles, providing a starting point for exploring positions within the structured civil service system.
New York State Services
The official website for services from the State of New York.
New York State Department of Health – WIC Program
The New York State WIC program website provides access to nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding/chestfeeding support, and referrals to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum individuals, infants, and children up to age five.
The Integral Pillars for Digital Benefits Delivery: Access, Security, and Accuracy at BenCon 2024
Government leaders discuss how to ensure seamless access to public benefits through breaking down silos, user-friendly digital identities, and privacy-focused security measures.
Transformative Research Toolkit
This transformative research toolkit offers guidance on community-led research processes that center lived experiences and drive social change.
New York State’s 2023 State of the State
New York State's 2023 State of the State, highlighting proposals to improve the customer experience in state government.
A large-scale study of performance and equity of commercial remote identity verification technologies across demographics
This study assesses five commercial RIdV solutions for equity across demographic groups and finds that two are equitable, while two have inequitable performance for certain demographics.
Technology Executive Toolkit
Resource Guide developed by the State of California to support on-boarding of individuals entering technology leadership positions.
Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency’s (UIA) Economic Dashboard
This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of underlying trends in unemployment across Michigan. It serves as an invaluable resource for understanding the impacts of unemployment on various industries, occupations, and communities. By providing detailed insights into sectors experiencing layoffs, claimant demographics, and the regions most affected, the dashboard equips us with the data needed to develop targeted solutions tailored to the needs of Michiganders.
Breaking into Civic Tech
A blog/guide from Chris Kuang for those interested in learning more about civic tech.
A Love Letter to the Parliamentary Counsel of the World
A communication piece illustrating the need for a small addition to how government publishes legislation. Examples given for EU and New Zealand law.
GetYourRefund.Org: Free tax filing, made simple is an online portal by Code for America that helps low-income individuals claim thousands of dollars in tax credits, even after the traditional tax deadline has passed.