Intended Audience: Federal/National Government: Executive Branch
Policy Building the Tech-Enabled Safety Net: Public Benefits and Innovation Amid COVID-19
This report outlines a dozen fintech and civic tech organizations working across fourteen safety net programs to show what’s possible when modern technology is married to a consumer insights perspective.
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government
Entrenched disparities in our laws and public policies, and in our public and private institutions, have often denied that equal opportunity to individuals and communities. It is therefore the policy of the Biden Administration that the Federal Government should pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.
Human-Centered Design 6-Month Update: Delivering on the President’s Commitment to Transform Customer Experience
President Biden believes that every American—regardless of where you live, where you work, or who you are—should have simple, seamless, and secure access to the Federal services they need. Over the past six months, we’ve gotten off to a fast start translating the President’s historic Executive Order on customer experience into action. Today, at the half-year mark, we have more key updates to share.
Human-Centered Design Applicant Experience Journey Map
Applicants to federal aid programs face numerous barriers in accessing benefits they are eligible for. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare conducted an extensive qualitative user research study to better understand applicant experience in enrolling in public assistance programs. Based on the results, the study emphasizes the need for simplified, streamlined and less burdensome application processes.
Data Harnessing Data and Technology to Construct a Human Services System that Supports Thriving and Equitable Communities
APHSA explains how certain tools and recommendations about when people apply for help, engage in services, and maintain benefits can have a powerful effect to either counter or exacerbate structural barriers to accessing assistance.
Policy Executive Summary: SNAP Waivers and Adaptations During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey of State Agency Perspectives in 2020
Based on state agency survey responses, this report summarizes key findings from the first calendar year of pandemic response and provides policy considerations for the future of SNAP.
Policy Early Insights on SNAP Modernization through American Rescue Plan Investments
This brief shares findings from a November 2021 survey of state SNAP agencies about their use of the SNAP ARPA funds in fiscal year 2021, and their initial planned activities for fiscal year 2022 and 2023.
Communications Text to Connect: Using Text Message Outreach to Reduce SNAP Churn (Full Guide)
This guidebook aims to equip state and local agencies with the practical insights they need to develop a text messaging outreach program for SNAP recertification.
Communications Text to Connect: Strategy + Content for Using Text Message Outreach to Reduce SNAP Churn
Focused on strategy and content, this guide offers recommendations and best practices for crafting messages, engaging clients, and obtaining consent.
Communications Text to Connect: Planning a Text Message Program to Reduce SNAP Churn
This guide outlines how to scope and plan a text messaging program.
Communications Text to Connect: Legal + Policy Considerations for Using Text Message Outreach to Reduce SNAP Churn
This guide is intended to provide a general overview of the national statutory and regulatory landscape governing the legality of sending large volumes of text messages and sharing client information.
Communications Text to Connect: Evaluation of your Text Messaging Program to Reduce SNAP Churn
This guide focuses on designing an evaluation plan to assess the impact of a text messaging program.