Intended Audience: County Government: Agency
Interview Template Digital Delivery Assessment
This interview template includes questions designed to help teams conduct exploratory, semi-structured interviews with government stakeholders involved in program delivery to gather information that can help them evaluate the status quo of digital delivery in their organization.
What works in training government partners: insights and recommendations
The article discusses effective strategies for training government partners in digital services, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing training, setting clear objectives, and fostering mutual understanding and trust.
Orchard Design System
Orchard is Georgia's official design system. Orchard makes it easy to quickly build an accessible, mobile-friendly, and uniform digital experience.
Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024: Video and Recap
The Policy2Code Prototyping Challenge explored utilizing generative AI technology to translate U.S. government policies for public benefits into plain language and code, culminating in a Demo Day where twelve teams showcased their projects for feedback and evaluation.
Mission Driven Bureaucrats at BenCon 2024
This talk explores how empowering public servants and fostering a sense of purpose, rather than stricter controls, is key to improving government.
POMs and Circumstance at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team explored using LLMs to interpret the Program Operations Manual System (POMS) into plain language logic models and flowcharts as educational resources for SSI and SSDI eligibility, benchmarking LLMs in RAG methods for reliability in answering queries and providing useful instructions to users.
The RAGTag SNAPpers at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team examined how AI, specifically LLMs, could streamline the case review process for SNAP applications to alleviate the burden on case workers while potentially improving accuracy.
PolicyEngine at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team developed an AI-powered explanation feature that effectively translates complex, multi-program policy calculations into clear and accessible explanations, enabling users to explore "what-if" scenarios and understand key factors influencing benefit amounts and eligibility thresholds.
Nava Labradors at Policy2Code Demo Day at BenCon 2024
The team developed an AI solution to assist benefit navigators with in-the-moment program information, finding that while LLMs are useful for summarizing and interpreting text, they are not ideal for implementing strict formulas like benefit calculations, but can accelerate the eligibility process by leveraging their strengths in general tasks.
Governing Digital Legal Systems: Insights on Artificial Intelligence and Rules as Code
This article explores how AI and Rules as Code are turning law into automated systems, including how governance focused on transparency, explainability, and risk management can ensure these digital legal frameworks stay reliable and fair.
Balancing Security and Customer Experience During Digital Account Creation and Authentication for Benefits Delivery at BenCon 2024
This presentation explores the balance between security and user experience in digital benefit account creation and authentication, highlighting insights from a forthcoming playbook focused on SNAP and Medicaid portals.
The Integral Pillars for Digital Benefits Delivery: Access, Security, and Accuracy at BenCon 2024
Government leaders discuss how to ensure seamless access to public benefits through breaking down silos, user-friendly digital identities, and privacy-focused security measures.