Benefits Program: WIC: Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
New Jersey’s Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports Impact Report
The New Jersey Department of Human Services and New Jersey Department of Health collaborated in their Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports project to enhance the enrollment and coordination of SNAP and WIC programs. By developing the NJ Nutritional Data Hub and an innovative webservice, the project identified and reached out to families receiving SNAP but not WIC, and vice versa, significantly streamlining the adjunctive eligibility process. This report documents best practices and lessons learned from their project.
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina’s Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports Impact Report
Through the Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports program, Mecklenburg County, NC leveraged a Food Security Navigator model and data analysis to increase access to nutrition supports. This report documents best practices and lessons learned from their project.
Kansas’ Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports Impact Report
This report highlights best practices and lessons learned from Kansas' partnership with Delivering Change to improve SNAP and WIC access in seven counties through innovative data sharing and targeted outreach.
Hawai’i’s Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports Impact Report
This report documents best practices and lessons learned from project streamlined data sharing between SNAP and WIC, enhancing cross-enrollment processes
NCDHHS: Cross-Enrollment in SNAP, WIC, and Medicaid
In this presentation, team members from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services provide an overview of the implementation process for cross enrollment with SNAP, WIC, and Medicaid in North Carolina.
Promising Practices for Digital Identity in Public Benefits
This piece highlights promising design patterns for account creation and identity proofing in public benefits applications. The publication also identifies areas where additional evidence, resources, and coordinated federal guidance may help support equitable implementations of authentication and identity proofing, enabling agencies to balance access and security.
Cross Enrollment WIC Case Study: A Joint Project of MDHHS and Benefits Data Trust
This presentation from Steph White, Cross Enrollment Coordinator at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services offers an in-depth example on implementing cross enrollment with WIC and general tools for cross enrollment.
Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Product Office Charter
This charter defines the goals, scope and organization of the “Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Product Office” charged with planning, implementing, governing, and managing all business transformation, change, and systems modernization efforts related to integrated service delivery, focused initially on integrated eligibility and enrollment.
The Benefits Cliff Dilemma: Navigating Wage Increases and Public Benefits
The goal of the brief is to encourage policy makers and employers to consider benefits cliffs as they look to create mandatory wage increases, with a look at a legislative action in NYC.
“I Used to Get WIC . . . But Then I Stopped”: How WIC Participants Perceive the Value and Burdens of Maintaining Benefits
This study examines how individuals assess administrative burdens and how these views change over time within the context of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
A Safety Net with 100 Percent Participation: How Much Would Benefits Increase and Poverty Decline?
Research examining how much poverty would decrease—overall, by age, and by race and ethnicity—and how much benefits would increase if all people eligible for safety net programs received the full benefits they qualify for in each of the 50 states and DC.
MOU for Data Sharing Between New Jersey Department of Human Services and New Jersey Department of Health
This MOU establishes data sharing protocols between New Jersey's WIC and SNAP programs.