Benefits Program: COVID-19 Assistance
8 Tips for Governments to Mitigate Call Center Volume
This article describes tangible steps state governments can take to manage call volume.
States Are Using Much-Needed Temporary Flexibility in SNAP to Respond to COVID-19 Challenges
During the COVID-19 pandemic, states utilized temporary Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) flexibilities to provide emergency benefits and maintain support for households with children missing school meals.
Resources to Support State Outreach to Non-Filers Eligible for Stimulus Payments
Approximately 12 million low-income individuals risk missing out on federal stimulus payments due to non-filing status, prompting the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) to recommend targeted state outreach to connect eligible non-filers with their Economic Impact Payments (EIPs).
Near Real Time COVID-19 Income and Poverty Dashboard
A real-time dashboard displaying COVID-19 income and poverty levels.
COVID-19’s Impact on the Social Safety Net
California’s SNAP program faced record application volume due to the COVID-19 crisis, and other states must anticipate similar demand. This post summarizes key takeaways from GetCalFresh’s real-time data and client communications, and offers recommendations for how other states can implement effective responses.
CARES Act Stimulus Payments Have Reached 160 Million Households — But Could Reach Millions More
The CARES Act Stimulus Payments Report by New America analyzes the implementation and impact of the Economic Impact Payments (stimulus checks) distributed during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting accessibility challenges and policy recommendations for future direct payments.
Accessible Benefits Information: Reducing Administrative Burden and Improving Equitable Access
This guide highlights best practices in benefits access, showcasing how Michigan, New York City, and San José improve accessibility through plain language, multilingual translation, resident co-creation, and technology tools.
ACCESS NYC is an online public screening tool that residents can use to determine the City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs for which they are eligible.
Who Did Not Get the Economic Impact Payments by Mid-to-Late May, and Why?
Disparities in Economic Impact Payment (EIP) receipt during the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected low-income households, communities of color, and individuals without tax filing histories.
Aggressive State Outreach Can Help Reach the 12 Million Non-Filers Eligible for Stimulus Payments
The FileYourStateTaxes pilot successfully integrated state tax filing with the IRS Direct File program, improving taxpayer experience and reducing filing burdens.