Author: NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
The NYC Opportunity Standard
The design system for NYC Opportunity's digital products. It is ideally suited for building catalogs of City services and online applications, providing simple and flexible CSS and JavaScript-based components and utilities for building user interfaces quickly and easily.
NYC Benefits Platform: Eligibility Screening API
The NYC Benefits Screening API provides machine-readable calculations and criteria for benefits screening that power the ACCESS NYC screening questionnaire.
Generation NYC
NYC's official resource for teens and young adults, including: peer & professional support, family support, education, health care, housing, employment, and other resources to help young people thrive.
ACCESS NYC is an online public screening tool that residents can use to determine the City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs for which they are eligible.
Reducing Poverty and Advancing Equity: A Retrospective
This retrospective looks at the way the NYCOpportunity initiative worked across City government, partnering with agencies to initiate new approaches and enhance city practices. It also highlights key areas of focus for the NYC Opportunity team between 2014 and 2021.