Author: Martelle Esposito
Showing 3 Results
Helping Families Access Public Benefits with AI and Automation
Webinar that shares Nava’s partnership with the Gates Foundation and the Benefits Data Trust that seeks to answer if generative and predictive AI can be used ethically to help reduce administrative burdens for benefits navigators.
How our work with Montana WIC demonstrated the value of a national API standard
Members of Nava's team describe how their work with WIC Montana cemented their belief that an API standard can fuel modernization to improve experiences for WIC staff, participants, and applicants.
How APIs can help WIC better meet staff and participants’ needs
WIC programs across the country are already adapting and evolving to meet their participants’ needs. An API standard, which allows agencies to plug digital tools into existing technology systems, would remove some of the key barriers to innovating and sharing technology tools between agencies.