Author: Louisa Sholar
Scaling Out Government Assistance
This session from FormFest 2024 focused on how to help people get the assistance they need from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ work on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Maryland Social Services Administration’s work to improve welfare support for kinship caregivers.
Building a culture of customer experience across government
The article highlights the federal government's efforts to improve customer experience through collaborative, human-centered approaches and lessons on embracing risk, partnerships, and user-focused design.
Centering Digital Accessibility in Hennepin County: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with staff from ODX — Megan Evans Seeds, chief digital officer, and Lisa Yang, digital accessibility coordinator — to discuss their efforts to help center digital accessibility across Hennepin County government.
Gender-Inclusive Data Collection in the City of Boston: A Digital Service Network Spotlight
The Digital Service Network (DSN) spoke with Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Julia Gutiérrez of the Digital Services (DS) Team in the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and Chief Mariangely Solís Cervera of Boston’s Equity and Inclusion Cabinet.
The Growth & Best Practices of Municipal Digital Service Teams
A report based on interviews with municipal digital service leaders and key takeaways in creating and maintaining a successful DS team.
Creating a Culture of Digital Service in the City of Philadelphia
Sara Hall, the City of Philadelphia Director of Digital Services joined the GovLove podcast to chat about her team and work.
Project Snapshot: The “Income Passport”: Income Verification for Gig Workers in Louisiana and Alabama
In response to COVID-19, the Workers Lab and Steady developed the "Income Passport" to streamline gig workers' unemployment benefit applications by pulling income data directly from gig platforms and financial accounts. This tool reduced manual verification time, helped prevent fraud, and improved workers' access to full benefits, with successful tests in Alabama and Louisiana demonstrating significant time savings and improved service delivery.