Author: Ariel Kennan
Exploring Rules Communication: Moving Beyond Static Documents to Standardized Code for U.S. Public Benefits Programs
This brief analyzes the current state of federal and state government communication around benefits eligibility rules and policy and how these documents are being tracked and adapted into code by external organizations. This work includes comparisons between coded examples of policy and potential options for standardizing code based on established and emerging data standards, tools, and frameworks.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include TANF.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include WIC.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include child care applications.
Dataset: Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Public Benefits Applications
On May 19, 2023, the Digital Benefits Network published a new, open dataset documenting authentication and identity proofing requirements across online SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, child care (CCAP) applications, and unemployment insurance applications.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Unemployment Insurance (UI) Applications
On May 19, 2023, the Digital Benefits Network published a new, open dataset documenting authentication and identity proofing requirements across online SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, child care (CCAP)applications, and unemployment insurance applications. This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online unemployment insurance applications.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include SNAP.
Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in MAGI Medicaid Applications
This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include MAGI Medicaid.
Logging In and Providing Proof: A Guide to U.S. Government Actions on Digital Identity
This guide provides a detailed overview summarizing the many initiatives and activities from Congress, the White House, federal agencies, and coalitions which may impact the digital identity landscape in the United States, including at state, local, Tribal, and territorial levels.
Increasing Security and Equity in Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
In this webinar, a panel of experts discuss what states can do right now to improve EBT security, how to use data to analyze theft patterns, and how EBT payment technology needs to evolve to ensure efficiency, security, and dignity for beneficiaries.
Project Snapshot: ACCESS NYC & Benefits Screening API
The NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity) developed the NYC Benefits Platform, including ACCESS NYC, to help residents easily discover and check eligibility for over 80 social programs.
Digital Identity and Public Benefits: Announcing a New Research Agenda
An announcement about the Digital Benefits Network's new research agenda on digital identity in public benefits.