Publication Digital Identity

Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in MAGI Medicaid Applications

On May 19, 2023, the Digital Benefits Network published a new, open dataset documenting authentication and identity proofing requirements across online SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, child care (CCAP) applications, and unemployment insurance applications. This page includes data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps specifically for online applications that include MAGI Medicaid.

Published Date: May 19, 2023
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024
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On this page, we share data and observations about authentication and identity proofing steps for online Medicaid applications. Because some states combine or integrate applications for multiple programs, this page includes data on a mix of standalone Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Medicaid applications and integrated applications. For entries that include combined or integrated applications, our data demonstrates a claimant’s experience if they are applying for all available benefits – for example, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and MAGI Medicaid. We decided to approach data collection this way both for practicality and also to document the most comprehensive experiences for each application flow.

We also targeted online enrollment processes for MAGI Medicaid. As context, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) explains that federal rules require states to allow MAGI-eligible groups to submit applications or forms online or over the phone, but these rules do not currently require similar simplified processes for non-MAGI populations. We encountered several cases where non-MAGI Medicaid was included on the same portal as MAGI Medicaid or alongside other benefits applications. During our data collection process, however, we noticed that it was sometimes difficult to ascertain whether a given portal allowed users to apply for non-MAGI Medicaid. For this reason we did not include non-MAGI Medicaid as a benefits category in the final dataset.

The findings below outline our current understanding of online authentication and identity proofing requirements and practices for MAGI Medicaid. As we continue to gather feedback and update our datasets, the data may change. These points below should be understood as general observations to help users quickly make sense of this dataset. You can also view the Digital Benefits Network’s data on authentication and identity proofing practices across core benefits programs on the Digital Government Hub.

High-level Findings

Integrated Applications

Of the 54 online benefits applications we identified, which include MAGI Medicaid, 32 are integrated applications that allow applicants to apply for at least one other benefits program such as SNAP or SNAP and TANF.

Login and Registration Requirements

Most applications that include MAGI Medicaid require users to sign-in to access an application.
  • 45 out of the 54 (83%) applications that include MAGI Medicaid require users to already have or create an account before beginning the application. Eight others make such an account creation optional to start an application.
  • 30 account creation processes for applications that include MAGI Medicaid require users to provide an email address.
  • 48 of the sign-in processes for applications that include MAGI Medicaid incorporate some type of additional account authentication or security measures. These most commonly include security questions, email validation links, or one-time authentication codes sent via email.

This map shows authentication requirements in online applications that include MAGI Medicaid across states. The color-coding on this map details whether applicants are required to sign-in to start an application, If you hover over an individual state on the map, you can also see whether the application’s account creation process incorporates additional authentication security measures, whether an email address is required to create an account if applicable, what type of login is used such as state single sign on (SSO), and what benefits programs are included on the application.

Identity Proofing Requirements

Just under half of applications that include MAGI Medicaid require or prompt applicants to take active identity proofing steps to apply online.
  • Identity proofing is required or prompted in 25 of the 54 applications that include MAGI Medicaid.
  • Ten applications that allow users to apply for MAGI Medicaid require users to take active or front-end identity proofing steps in order to submit online. Seven of these applications place identity proofing before a user initiates an application. Three others require identity proofing during the application submission process. All ten applications that require identity proofing steps use knowledge-based verification or KBV. Nine of these use Experian for identity proofing.
  • 15 other applications that allow users to apply for MAGI Medicaid include identity proofing prompts that are optional. This means a user can immediately skip the identity proofing prompt or, if their identity cannot be verified online continue with the application. Seven of these 15 applications place identity proofing before a user initiates an application. Another seven place identity proofing prompts during the application submission. It was unclear when identity proofing is used for Washington DC’s District Direct application. At least 13 of these applications use KBV for identity proofing, and 11 of these 13 say they use Experian for identity proofing.

This map shows active identity proofing requirements in online applications that include MAGI Medicaid, across states. The color-coding on this map details whether applicants are required to take active steps to prove their identities as part of an online application process. If you hover over an individual state on the map, you can also see what identity proofing methods are being used if applicable or known, when during the application process identity proofing is used, and what benefits programs are included on the application.  

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Requested

Applications that include MAGI Medicaid often make it possible to submit online without having to disclose applicant Social Security numbers (SSNs).
  • Applicants seeking Medicaid are required to provide their SSN as a condition of eligibility. How questions about SSN are presented in applications that include MAGI Medicaid varies, however.
  • On 36 applications that include MAGI Medicaid, it appears possible for applicants to submit online without disclosing their SSN. Three other applications explicitly describe providing SSN as optional or recommended.
  • On three application processes that include MAGI Medicaid, SSN appears to be required to submit online. On 11 other applications, SSN is required if an applicant indicates they have one.


Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in MAGI Medicaid Applications Dataset: Spreadsheet

Digital Authentication and Identity Proofing in MAGI Medicaid Applications Dataset: Gallery

Feedback and Engagement

We are publishing this dataset openly and publicly at this stage of our research to share knowledge and also to solicit feedback and engagement from various stakeholders and users. We envision this dataset as a starting point, and hope that people who visit the dataset will help ensure the accuracy of the data, fill in any gaps, conduct their own analysis, and share ideas for further extensions of this work.

This data represents a point in time. We also know that the information we were able to access may not reflect the most up-to-date experiences of claimants, and that application requirements and processes can be complex. For that reason, this data is not meant to be a guide for claimants seeking benefits. This project also does not provide context on state level policies.

To submit general feedback or specific feedback about an application included in the dataset, you can use our designated feedback form.

Data Collection: SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, and Child Care Applications

To collect data on SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid and child care applications we collaborated with Code for America (CfA) during data collection for their 2023 Benefits Enrollment Field Guide. Our team assisted with a select number of assessments for CfA’s project and established a data sharing partnership to access their data and share our own data focused on authentication and identity proofing. CfA’s protocol involved creating accounts (if required) and filling in applications with sample applicant data without submitting it. This gave us access to additional information and texture about the process of applying for SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, and child care online.

We built out this data for SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, and child care applications between October, 2022 and February, 2023. After inputting data, we conducted an internal review of each application entry in February and March of the same year to ensure accuracy and consistency. Our team spent approximately an hour working with each application. We have also used the “Public notes” column in the dataset to document complexities and open questions.

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