Automation + AI
How to responsibly, ethically, and equitably use technology—including artificial intelligence (AI)—to automate certain processes is an increasingly important question for governments at every level.
Sifting through complexity with a focus on equity and access.
When properly designed and implemented, automated solutions can help ease work loads and speed up the service delivery process. However, automated approaches can also create potential harms for residents, create new biases in systems, and raise issues around transparency and accountability.
It can be difficult to parse through the different terms used to describe the technology behind automated processes and systems, from AI, to robotic process automation or algorithm-driven decision-making, and automated decision-making systems. It can also be challenging to sort through information about what a given technology can and cannot do today. Practitioners need clear information to evaluate new technologies, including AI and other approaches to automation.
This page contains resources to illuminate the landscape of automated technology to help practitioners understand and assess automated systems and tools.
Explore our 7 automation + AI subtopics below.
Audits + Accountability
Generative AI
Mitigating Harm + Bias
Policies, Standards + Guidance
Robotic Process Automation
Trustworthy AI
Use Cases
How to Get Started
We recommend these resources as a starting place on how to automate and responsibly use artificial intelligence (AI) in the delivery of government services.
AI Guide for Government: A Living and Evolving Guide to the Application of Artificial Intelligence for the U.S. Federal Government
This guide is intended to help government decision makers clearly see what AI means for their agencies and how to invest and build AI capabilities.
Dispelling Myths About Artificial Intelligence for Government Service Delivery
Directed at government practitioners, this resource addresses common misconceptions about artificial intelligence (AI) and explains the current state of technology.
NIST: AI Risk Management Framework
In collaboration with the private and public sectors, NIST has developed a framework to better manage risks to individuals, organizations, and society associated with artificial intelligence (AI). The framework is intended for voluntary use and to improve the ability to incorporate trustworthiness considerations into the design, development, use, and evaluation of AI products, services, and systems.
Automation + AI for Public Benefits
HHS Plan for Promoting Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence in Automated and Algorithmic Systems by State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments in the Administration of Public Benefits
This plan promotes responsible AI use in public benefits administration by state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, aiming to enhance program effectiveness and efficiency while meeting recipient needs.
AI-Powered SNAP Modernization: An Introduction to Current and Potential Uses of AI in SNAP Case Processing
This report explores how AI is currently used, and how it might be used in the future, to support administrative actions that agency staff complete when processing customers’ SNAP cases. In addition to desk and primary research, this brief was informed by input from APHSA’s wide network of state, county, and city members and national partners in the human services and related sectors.
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