Topic: Customer Experience (CX)
Friction! What Makes Getting Public Benefits So Hard and How Understanding Administrative Burdens Can Increase Access at BenCon 2024
Don Moniyhan shares specific burdens and how to measure their impacts.
Visions for the Future at BenCon 2024
Leaders share their aspirations for excellence in digital benefits delivery and their reflections on BenCon and the work ahead.
Balancing Security and Customer Experience During Digital Account Creation and Authentication for Benefits Delivery at BenCon 2024
This presentation explores the balance between security and user experience in digital benefit account creation and authentication, highlighting insights from a forthcoming playbook focused on SNAP and Medicaid portals.
The Integral Pillars for Digital Benefits Delivery: Access, Security, and Accuracy at BenCon 2024
Government leaders discuss how to ensure seamless access to public benefits through breaking down silos, user-friendly digital identities, and privacy-focused security measures.
Building a culture of customer experience across government
The article highlights the federal government's efforts to improve customer experience through collaborative, human-centered approaches and lessons on embracing risk, partnerships, and user-focused design.
Summer of CX Webinar Series: Improving CX for Benefit Access
This webinar session discusses how to address customer experience challenges presented by digital identity in public benefit programs.
Summer of CX Webinar Series: CX Metrics for Decision Making
This webinar session discusses the importance of using CX metrics to guide agency-level decisions and how to gather, analyze, and apply customer feedback to optimize products and services.
Summer of CX Webinar Series: Principles to Improve CX
This webinar discusses the White House Executive Order and federal agency guidance for improving customer experience in public benefit programs.
Federal Customer Experience: OMB Has Taken Actions to Implement Cross-Agency Priority Goals
The 2021 President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. GAO was asked to review OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts to improve federal customer experience.
Improving Access to Public Benefits and Customer Experience: Key Actions and Best Practices
Comprehensive and sustained improvement in benefits access and customer experience requires changes across policy, operations, technology, staffing, procurement, and more. This guide offers a collection of actions and best practices for states to apply.
Customer Experience Lead (CX)
This is a job description for the role of Customer Experience Lead (CX) from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSAgov), HHS.
Improving Unemployment Insurance Applications with CX Principles
This resource contains principles and examples of high-impact improvements to consider making in different parts of the online application.