State Chief Data Officer Network

The State Chief Data Officer (CDO) Network is a closed group designated for the top appointed data official in U.S. states. This community is not open to people working for private companies or on government contracts. The DSN convenes +30 data leaders from states in our CDO Network to connect and find support, share best practices, inform research and data collections, and collectively address commonly faced challenges.


The CDO Network is a safe and trusted space for government practitioners to: 

  • Connect with other data leaders focusing on similar work in their jurisdictions
  • Learn with and from one another about promising practices and new approaches
  • Share stories, resources, and helpful practices that can support data operations. You can also share challenges you’re facing and receive feedback or advice from the community.

Why should I join?

Some reasons people join: 

  • To meet and connect with like minded individuals who deeply understand the work
  • To learn how other jurisdictions are approaching shared challenges like governance, open data, sharing, hiring, emerging technology, and change management
  • To discover and share new resources and examples of promising practices within the space 
  • To have have a community of thought partners to share questions with and receive advice for collaborative problem solving 
  • To get inspired by sharing and hearing stories about big and small wins and successes that you can draw on and share with your teams

What to expect when joining:

  • Monthly Meetings – we meet as a community to connect, learn from, and support each other.
    • When: third Thursday of each month @ 12PM PT/3PM ET
    • Where: Zoom (Calendar invite with Zoom information sent once you register)  
    • What is a meeting like?
      • Community-driven agenda for monthly calls – you have the opportunity to help shape the agenda to meet your current needs and challenges
      • Our meetings include activities and opportunities to get to know others in similar roles, share our experiences, challenges, ideas, and inform future research to advance data practices in states.
  • Listserv – we understand you may not always be able to meet and a members-only listserv provides asynchronous connection opportunities to ask questions and share information with the Network. 

Community Norms – within our community spaces, we agree to adhere to our community norms.