Resource Format: Video: Demo
Takeoff Velocity and Rocket Fuel: How to Continue Forward Momentum at BenCon 2024
NYC's My File NYC and New Jersey's unemployment insurance system improvements demonstrate how successful digital innovations can be scaled across various programs, leveraging trust-building, open-source technology, and strategic partnerships.
Policy Engine Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
In this video, Policy Engine provides a demonstration of their product and API and discusses use cases in Rules as Code.
MyFriendBen Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable leaders demo their new Colorado benefits eligibility tool in a February 2024 webinar.
Benefits Data Trust Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
In this video, Benefits Data Trust staff present their eligibility screening platform including their rules engine, API, and DMN rules notation.
NCDHHS: Cross-Enrollment in SNAP, WIC, and Medicaid
In this presentation, team members from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services provide an overview of the implementation process for cross enrollment with SNAP, WIC, and Medicaid in North Carolina.
Rules as Code – Delivering a personalised citizen experience for GovCMS
Demo and explainer video of the Australian government's implementation of rules as code as part of their enterprise content management platform.
Medicaid Strategies Making a Difference: A Spotlight on Rhode Island
Sharing lessons learned via the Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, which is working to reduce Medicaid churn, improve renewal processes for administrators, and protect health insurance coverage for children and families.
A Guide to Responsible and Efficient Use of Generative Tools
This video shows you how to get started with using Generative AI tools, including Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT, in your work as public sector professionals.
Improving Outcomes for Families through Better Use of Data: The TANF Data Collaborative
This video, produced after the completion of the TDC Pilot, features staff members from the California, Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia TANF agencies reflecting on their challenges, accomplishments, and general experiences during the pilot.
Rules as Code Demo Day | Demo 8: PolicyEngine | Max Gehnis and Nikhil Woodruff
We wrapped up Rules as Code Demo Day with Max Ghenis and Nikhil Woodruff, the founders of PolicyEngine. The PolicyEngine web app computes the impact of tax and benefit policy in the US and the UK. With PolicyEngine, anyone can freely calculate their taxes and benefits under current law and customizable policy reforms, and also estimate the society-wide impacts of those reforms. Policymakers and think tanks from across the political spectrum can analyze actual policy. PolicyEngine is built atop the open source OpenFisca US and UK microsimulation models and they are building an open unified data set utilizing data from the Policy Rules Database, Current Population Survey, Survey of Consumer Finances, Consumer Expenditures, tax records, and IRS Public Use File.
Rules as Code Demo Day | Demo 7: MITRE Corporation (CCASH) | Joe Ditre and Frank Ruscil
MITRE’s Joe Ditre and Frank Ruscil demoed the code for the Comprehensive Careers and Supports for Households (C-CASH) at Rules as Code Demo Day. The MITRE team expanded the accessibility of the Policy Rules Database and the Cost-of-Living Database (the prior demo) by creating a web service API and a front-end Window’s application called C-CASH Analytic Tool (CAT). CAT provides a more scalable, flexible, and portable functionality which allows end-users to generate various households to run eligibility scenarios across different U.S. counties and states. They are currently working to create a national data hub and analytics tool, starting with utilizing U.S. Census data and populating the data warehouse by pushing large amounts of data through the PRD.
Rules as Code Demo Day | Demo 6: Policy Rules Database | Seth Hartig
At Rules as Code Demo Day Seth Hartig from the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) and Bank Street College demoed the Policy Rules Database (PRD), a collaborative effort between the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the NCCP. The primary purpose of the PRD is to simplify the interpretation of all programs by creating a common structure and a common terminology. The repository allows for research on public assistance programs and tax policies, and helps users model benefits cliffs on career pathways. The PRD is supported by a technical manual with pseudocode that helps guide integration and usage in other platforms.