Year: 2024
User Research Planning Your Research Process
The Othering & Belonging Institute offers insight into research processes. The article is a part of the Institute's Transformative Research Toolkit, which focuses on centering lived experiences, valuing diverse ways of knowing, and influencing narratives and policies.
Automation + AI Helping Families Access Public Benefits with AI and Automation
Webinar that shares Nava’s partnership with the Gates Foundation and the Benefits Data Trust that seeks to answer if generative and predictive AI can be used ethically to help reduce administrative burdens for benefits navigators.
Human-Centered Design Community Partnerships Playbook: How to Create Equitable Partnerships between Technical and Community Experts
The Playbook’s purpose is to guide researchers while supporting and lending authority to community organizations as they advocate for partnerships that will benefit their constituencies. The Playbook aims to provide some answers to such questions as: How can technologists and scientists engage communities in a spirit of partnership, without such extractive practices? How can community organizations work with researchers in ways that benefit their communities and expand their capacity, rather than burdening their staff?
Policy Evaluation of the USDA Summer EBT Demonstrations: Lessons Learned From More Than a Decade of Research
FNS conducted evaluations of multiple pilot programs to strengthen access to food during the summer when school is out of session. Evaluations found that Summer EBT reduces childhood food insecurity by a significant amount, including the most severe form of food insecurity; some eligible households do not redeem some or any of their benefits; and parents and caregivers have positive opinions of Summer EBT.
User Research A Gov How-To Guide For Recruiting User Research Participants
The U.S. Digital Response (USDR) developed a guide for recruiting user research participants for user research in a government setting.
Automation + AI U.S. Department of Homeland Security Artificial Intelligence Roadmap
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Roadmap outlines the agency's AI initiatives and AI's potential across the homeland security enterprise.
Automation + AI Introduction to AI with a focus on Counter Fraud
Raising awareness to counter fraud professionals of AI and potential uses in the detection and prevention of fraud.
Automation + AI State of South Dakota Generative Artificial Intelligence Guidelines & Acceptable State Use
The state of South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunications (BIT) designed guidelines for the responsible use of AI-generated content in state government agencies, emphasizing the need for proofing, editing, fact-checking, and using AI-generated content as a starting point, not the finished product.
Automation + AI State of Rhode Island EO 24-06: Artificial Intelligence and Data Centers of Excellence
Executive Order from the State of Rhode Island establishing the Artificial Intelligence Task Force and a Center of Excellence for AI and Data.
Automation + AI State of Indiana Policy: State Agency Artificial Intelligence Implementation
The state of Indiana developed a policy framework for the ethical and efficient use of artificial intelligence (AI) within state agencies. The policy adopts the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s AI Risk Management Framework to manage potential risks effectively. It also details the applicability of the actions undertaken by the Office of the Chief Data Officer (OCDO) to enable the deployment of trustworthy AI systems.
Management Data Literacy Within State Government: Building a Knowledgeable Workforce That Knows How to Use Data for Better Decisions
The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) convened a panel of state chief data officers who shared their approaches and experiences with data literacy. The panel provides recommendations for establishing a state-level data literacy program, ensuring that employees understand how to use data effectively for better decision-making.
Digital Identity Decoded: Digital Identity in Public Benefits (Webinar)
In this webinar, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Digital Benefits Network explored key terms related to digital identity, and provided ecosystem-level context on how authentication and identity proofing may show up in the online benefits experience and impact clients. Presenters also shared a list of resources, including guidance from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), introductory materials, and other research to support participants in continued learning.