Year: 2021
Social Listening: Covid-19, Social Media, and The Path to a Better Safety Net
This report describes how the government can use widespread social media feedback and begin to build long-term measures to center people’s experience as an important component of policy design
Policy Six Recommendations for Implementing the Next Stimulus Package
The US Digital response partnered with dozens of states, counties, and cities to support them in using and tracking CARES Act grants. This article presents six lessons learned from their work to help governments better assist residents, particularly small businesses and low-income communities.
Procurement Sharing Government Software: How Agencies are Cooperatively Building Mission-Critical Software
This report reviews the features of intergovernmental software cooperatives, examines several different examples, looks at different categories of cooperatives and their governance structures, and inventories known cooperatives both within and outside of the United States.
Procurement S.1957 – State and Local Digital Service Act of 2021
This bill provides support for the establishment of digital services in state, county, local, and tribal governments. Specifically, the bill directs the General Services Administration (GSA) to establish (1) a Digital Service Grant Program to provide grants to such governments to establish or support a digital service team, and (2) a Digital Service Planning Grant Program to provide grants to create a plan to establish a digital service team. The GSA must (1) report periodically to Congress and make publicly available on its website information regarding the grants, and (2) issue guidance to streamline the procurement of federal services and technology by states, local governments, and Indian tribes.
Human-Centered Design Report: Modernizing Access to the Safety Net
Innovators inside and outside of government are working to improve access to the social safety net using data, technology, and design. This report highlights innovations carried out by The Rockefeller Foundation’s Data and Technology grantees from 2018 to 2021, including extraordinary efforts to meet the challenges of the pandemic. Those grantees are: Benefits Data Trust, Code for America, Georgetown University’s Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation, U.S. Digital Response, and the Digital Innovation and Governance Initiative at New America. In 2020, these projects secured more than $200 million in benefits for close to 100,000 people across at least 36 states, and helped millions more through policy change, training, and guidance.
Reddit Is America’s Unofficial Unemployment Hotline
Thousands of Americans have begun frequenting the r/Unemployment subreddit to get help navigating state and federal unemployment systems.
Digital Identity Race and Inequity in Identity Proofing Methods
The vast fraud committed through the use of stolen and synthetic identities in UI programs has spotlighted the need for updated identity fraud detection mechanisms. As states are implementing new technologies and systems, they need to consider the ways in which they are impacting racial inequities in UI benefits.
Poverty Results from Structural Barriers, Not Personal Choices. Safety Net Programs Should Reflect That Fact
The structure of many social safety net programs ignore systemic barriers rooted in structural racism that disproportionately affect people of color. Instead, these programs are meager and punitive, designed to blame individual shortcomings. The current economic crisis and its disproportionate impacts highlight the need to redesign safety net programs to rectify these inequities and ensure everyone can access the resources they need to provide for their families.
Human-Centered Design Making the Case for Human-Centered Design in Government
Human-centered design is a problem-solving method that puts people at the center of the problem and aims to design solutions that address the needs of the people. Embracing such design methods in government is imperative to finding solutions that work for the people.
Digital Identity to provide authentication and identity proofing services to a limited number of federally funded state and local government programs
The US General Services Administration announces that it is seeking a limited number of state and local government partners to take advantage of to administer their federally funded programs.
Digital Identity GSA extends access to states and localities
This article describes the General Services Administration’s efforts to get a limited number of state and local governments to try with their federally funded programs.
Can States Finally Fix Their Unemployment Systems?
Though the economy is rebounding, it is still necessary for states to reform their unemployment systems to provide relief to millions of Americans, as many sectors are still slow to recover.