Produced By: Federal/National Government: Agency
A Review of Human-Centered Design in Human Services
In this brief, they present a definition of HCD that is applicable to the context of human services delivery, differentiate HCD from similar design and problem-solving approaches, and describe how HCD is being used in human services.
Enhancing Cultural Responsiveness in Social Service Agencies
The resource explains how to shift from cultural competence and cultural humility toward cultural responsiveness, by applying the two former approaches to deliver services rooted in respect and appreciation for the role of culture in the individual’s and family’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.
- Program Roadmap
The program roadmap articulates the values of the program, outlines strategic priorities, and documents how the program is approaching nuanced identity topics.
A large-scale study of performance and equity of commercial remote identity verification technologies across demographics
This study assesses five commercial RIdV solutions for equity across demographic groups and finds that two are equitable, while two have inequitable performance for certain demographics.
Usability Starter Kit
Here are some tools and templates to help you create better user experiences.
Tips for capturing the best data from user interviews
In this blog post, we’ve detailed some of the steps we take to help capture the best data possible when conducting interviews. This post is intended as a guide for people who need to conduct user interviews and for people simply curious about how we work.
How uses roadmapping to build trust with its partners and the public created a first-of-its-kind, publicly-visible program roadmap and shares tips on how other programs can build their own roadmaps to improve transparency.
Digital Accessibility Toolkit
Variety of learning materials and resources to help learn and implement accessibility in Government of Canada digital projects.
SNAP Keys to Application Processing Timeliness
This document provides guidance on strategies to achieve and maintain acceptable timeliness rates for SNAP benefit approval and delivery.
Human-Centered Design Guide Series
A series of guides from to help you understand and practice human-centered design
Federal Customer Experience: OMB Has Taken Actions to Implement Cross-Agency Priority Goals
The 2021 President’s Management Agenda identified federal customer experience as a priority area for improvement. GAO was asked to review OMB and selected federal agencies’ efforts to improve federal customer experience.
IRS Direct File Pilot Program Filing Season 2024 After Action Report
The conclusion of the 2024 tax filing season marks the closure of the Direct File pilot, a yearlong effort to study the interest in — and feasibility of — creating a direct e-filing system as a new option for taxpayers to file federal income tax returns.