Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Tips on Engaging Diverse Groups of External Partners
Initially created to inform federal staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this tip sheet provides key considerations for how organizations can identify potential diverse external partners, conduct outreach to them, and build and sustain productive relationships with them.
In-Depth Equity Assessment Guide
Initially created to inform federal staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this tool describes how to conduct intensive equity assessments of existing programs, policies, and processes. It may be useful for state and local governments, tribal governments, and other private or non-profit organizations focused on programs and policies relating to health and human services.
Guide on Advancing Equity through Quantitative Analysis
Initially created to inform federal staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this guide explores opportunities to advance equity in quantitative analysis, including by recognizing common biases (e.g., research and measurement bias).
Guide on Advancing Equity by Incorporating Intersectionality in Research and Analysis
This guide explores intersectionality and why it is essential for advancing equity. It explores strategies for planning and conducting research with an intersectional lens, describes quantitative measures and methods to examine differences across groups of people with intersecting identities, and provides key considerations for using qualitative data to better understand intersectionality.
Equity Assessment Tip Sheet
Originally created for use by federal staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this tool describes the six steps for conducting equity assessments and provides tips for completing each step.
Engaging People with Lived Experience to Improve Federal Research, Policy, and Practice
This webpage links to materials ASPE has prepared as it leads work on how federal agencies and programs can meaningfully and effectively engage people with lived experience.
Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Renewals: A Communications Toolkit
This resource is a communications toolkit designed to help states and stakeholders inform Medicaid and CHIP recipients about the eligibility renewal process, ensuring they take necessary steps to maintain or transition to alternative health coverage.
Helping People with Low Incomes Navigate Benefit Cliffs: Lessons Learned Deploying a Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
This report details findings and lessons from a project to develop a calculator to help people anticipate how a change in earnings from employment would affect their net income and information on their estimated effective marginal tax rate.
Benefit Cliffs Calculator
The Benefit Cliffs Calculator helps case managers and public benefit recipients to prepare for benefit cliffs (i.e., declines in benefits due to an increase in earnings). It compares the net resources and benefits available to families under different employment scenarios.
Trustworthy AI (TAI) Playbook
This playbook is an initial step by the Office of the Chief AI Officer (OCAIO) to support trustworthy AI development.
Child Care and Development Fund Equity Assessment Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources for training and technical assistance (T/TA) providers in the Child Care Technical Assistance Network (CCTAN) to help State, Territory, and Tribal CCDF Lead Agencies be prepared to conduct equity assessments.
Improving Outcomes for Families through Better Use of Data: The TANF Data Collaborative
This video, produced after the completion of the TDC Pilot, features staff members from the California, Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia TANF agencies reflecting on their challenges, accomplishments, and general experiences during the pilot.