Organization: National Governors Association (NGA)
Using Data to Advance Digital Skills: A State Playbook
To assist states in closing digital skill gaps and preparing for digital equity planning, this brief offers key questions and resources for state leaders to consider.
Optimizing Federal COVID Relief Funds: State Perspectives On Bolstering Child Care And Early Childhood Systems
This report examines how states strategically approached managing and administering the historic influx of COVID-19 relief funds for child care and early childhood systems, focusing on governance structures, funding management systems, and data systems
Leveraging Technology For Human-Centered One-Stop Workforce Service Delivery
A case study of the Hawai‘i Career Acceleration Navigator — an accessible, data-driven and full-service government platform for unemployed people and other jobseekers to search for jobs and access supportive service benefits.
Advancing Economic Mobility For Low-Income Families: Policy Options For Governors
As we look to post-pandemic recovery, it will be critical to ensure that individuals have access to resources and supports that not only help them meet basic needs but also provide them with tools to increase their economic security and resilience and build assets that can be passed on to future generations, setting them up for future success.