Organization: Benefits Data Trust
Assessing the Impact of Proposed College Student SNAP Policies
This report examines the extent to which proposed options included in the Student Food Security Act, Let Students Eat proposal, and the EATS Act impact specific demographics of students, either by increasing access or by streamlining the process for qualifying students to demonstrate eligibility.
Benefits Data Trust Demo at the Cross-Sector Rules as Code Roundtable
In this video, Benefits Data Trust staff present their eligibility screening platform including their rules engine, API, and DMN rules notation.
Medicaid Strategies Making a Difference: A Spotlight on Rhode Island
Sharing lessons learned via the Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, which is working to reduce Medicaid churn, improve renewal processes for administrators, and protect health insurance coverage for children and families.
Data Coordination at SNAP and Medicaid Agencies: A National Landscape Analysis
Benefits Data Trust (BDT), in collaboration with the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), conducted a nationwide analysis of how states coordinate across Medicaid and SNAP programs to streamline access to benefits. Between June and August of 2022, BDT and CHCS collected 114 survey responses from Medicaid and SNAP programs in 46 states and the District of Columbia.
Data Sharing to Build Effective and Efficient Benefits Systems: A Playbook for State and Local Agencies
This playbook is designed to help government and other key sectors use data sharing to illuminate who is not accessing benefits, connect under-enrolled populations to vital assistance, and make the benefits system more efficient for agencies and participants alike.
Ex Parte Options and Recommendations for the non-MAGI Medicaid Population to Reduce Churn
As a part of Benefit Data Trust (BDT)’s Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, BDT has created a memo describing policy options and state examples for Medicaid administrators to reduce churn for non-MAGI Medicaid enrollees when the federal public health emergency ends.
Effective Strategies to Collect Address Changes from Medicaid Beneficiaries via State Websites
As a part of Benefit Data Trust (BDT)’s Medicaid Churn Learning Collaborative, BDT has created a memo describing strategies for states to collect current mailing addresses of Medicaid beneficiaries in advance of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement — in effect under the federal public health emergency — unwinding.
Benefits Launch Express
Created by Benefits Data Trust, Benefits Launch Express is a high-level eligibility screening and assistance finder available to Philadelphia residents. The tool screens eligibility for 29 programs and is estimated to take up to 10 minutes to complete.
Toolkit: Increasing WIC Coverage Through Cross-Program Data Matching and Targeted Outreach
The toolkit provides strategies for state and local WIC agencies to enhance enrollment by utilizing data from Medicaid and SNAP for cross-program data matching and targeted outreach.
Guardrails: Automated SNAP Recertification Assistance
The GuardRails Strategy uses behavioral nudges to help NYC SNAP recipients complete recertification and avoid benefit loss.
Does the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Affect Hospital Utilization Among Older Adults? The Case of Maryland
Accounting for the strong effects of health care access, this study finds that SNAP is associated with reduced hospitalization in dually eligible older adults. Policies to increase SNAP participation and benefit amounts in eligible older adults may reduce hospitalizations and health care costs for older dual eligible adults living in the community.
Building Healthier Lives Through Increased SNAP Participation
A study shows that Benefits Data Trust’s outreach and application assistance significantly increased SNAP enrollment among North Carolina seniors, improving health outcomes and reducing Medicaid costs.