Location: Ohio (OH)
Automation + AI IT-17 Use of Artificial Intelligence in State of Ohio Solutions
Policy on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the State of Ohio
Automation + AI The Ohio Benefits Program is “BOT” In
This award documentation from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) explains how agencies in Ohio used automation to support administration of public benefits programs.
8 Tips for Governments to Mitigate Call Center Volume
Overwhelming unemployment rates during the pandemic created significant demand for state-based unemployment benefits. As a result of the increased applications, states are also experiencing an overwhelming volume of calls to their call centers. U.S. Digital Response has been working with states to mitigate problems arising from heavy demand on call centers. This article describes tangible steps state governments can take to manage call volume.
Human-Centered Design 3 Ways to Get Benefits to the Families that Need Them
In a time of crisis, behavioral science offers insights into how to reduce the paperwork and other administrative burdens that prevent people from taking advantage of crucial support services.