Location: Hawaii (HI)
Data Hawai’i’s Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports Impact Report
As part of the Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports program, Hawai’i's Department of Human Services, Department of Health, and the Children’s Healthy Living Center at the University of Hawai’i have advanced interagency collaboration to deliver nutrition benefits more effectively to families with young children. This project streamlined data sharing between SNAP and WIC, enhancing cross-enrollment processes. This report documents best practices and lessons learned from their project.
Data Hawai’i Thriving Children Strong Families Project Glossary
The Hawai'i Thriving Children Strong Families Project Glossary is a tool used to promote common understanding of core business concepts or terminologies used by the Department of Human Services' SNAP office and the Department of Health's WIC team to improve cross-program coordination and support SNAP-WIC data sharing across agencies.
Data Hawai’i SNAP-WIC Data Sharing Memorandum of Agreement
This MOA outlines Hawai'i's legal data sharing agreement between the Women, Infants and Children Services Branch of the Department of Health (DOH/WIC), and the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division of the Department of Human Services (DHS/BESSD) to exchange SNAP and WIC data.
Data Hawai’i SNAP-WIC Data Sharing Framework
This artifact documents Hawai'i's SNAP-WIC data sharing framework developed in their Coordinating SNAP & Nutrition Supports project
Data Hawai’i Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports Demonstration Project: Thriving Children Strong Families Project White Paper
This white paper documents Hawai'i's journey and lessons learned from their 18-month Coordinating SNAP and Nutrition Supports project which laid the foundation for interagency data-sharing and built capacity to analyze administrative data across nutrition programs--specifically SNAP and WIC.
Data CSNS Hawaii: Building a Data-Driven Foundation to Help Hunger in Hawai’i
The Hawai‘i Department of Human Services (DHS), in partnership with the Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) and the Children’s Healthy Living Center of Excellence (CHL Center) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, is building foundational capacity to share and analyze administrative data across the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). This groundwork will enable Hawai‘i to increase access to nutrition support programs, in alignment with Hawai‘i’s ‘Ohana Nui framework, which aims to dismantle intergenerational poverty.
Human-Centered Design Leveraging Technology For Human-Centered One-Stop Workforce Service Delivery
A case study of the Hawai‘i Career Acceleration Navigator — an accessible, data-driven and full-service government platform for unemployed people and other jobseekers to search for jobs and access supportive service benefits.