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Procurement Federal Field Guide
Few large government software projects are successful, as current ecosystems in place at agencies do not support agile development practices. This guide provides instructions to federal agencies on how to effectively budget for, procure, and oversee software development projects.
Procurement Delivery-Driven Government: Principles and Practices for Government in the Digital Age
Technology enables governments to engage in “pilot” projects to see where they are headed and course-correct along the way, as opposed to evaluating the results over the course of multiple years. Delivery-driven government utilizes technology and “pilot” projects to see institutions and processes through the eyes of users, allowing for more effective service delivery.
Procurement 18F Agile-based project approach
18F describes its Agile-based project approach combining iterative software development, product management, user-centered design, and DevOps.
Procurement Launching New Digital Tools for WIC Participants
Toolkit to help agencies administering WIC become more informed purchasers of digital tools for WIC participants.
Procurement De-risking Guide: Budgeting and overseeing tech projects
Guide by 18F explaining how to minimize the risk of policy failure when selecting technology vendors.
Human-Centered Design Practica: Learn to Design Institutions That Put People First
Online courses from Civilla regarding human-centered design for public institutions.
Procurement Procuring Differently: How Colorado Used User Research and Active Vendor Management for COVID-19 Technology
In June 2020, the state implemented an innovative and entirely virtual vendor selection process to evaluate these solutions under the direction of the Colorado Digital Service (CDS).