Example Format: User Journey Map
Healthcare Communications Flowchart
This chart is based on the flow of infection control information from national and state guidance down through healthcare systems and facilities, ultimately reaching frontline healthcare workers.
NYC HOME-STAT Research Insights Report
This overview journey map of street homeless outreach reflects the business process, and worker and client experience during the period January–April 2016 from initial observation, contact, case management, and placement in permanent housing. The map is displayed in eleven high-level sections, each with individual sub-level sections. Summaries and details for all the sections are presented in the subsequent pages. Each dot represents an individual or agency. Each cluster of dots represents a service interaction.
NYC HOME-STAT Client Journey Map
This overview journey map of street homeless outreach reflects the complexity of the service journey from first contact on street to placement in permanent housing.
Applicant Experience Journey Map
Applicants to federal aid programs face numerous barriers in accessing benefits they are eligible for. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare conducted an extensive qualitative user research study to better understand applicant experience in enrolling in public assistance programs. Based on the results, the study emphasizes the need for simplified, streamlined and less burdensome application processes.