Author: Hamish Fraser
Governing Digital Legal Systems: Insights on Artificial Intelligence and Rules as Code
This article explores how AI and Rules as Code are turning law into automated systems, including how governance focused on transparency, explainability, and risk management can ensure these digital legal frameworks stay reliable and fair.
Digital Legal Systems Lab
A vision for place for collaborating on digital law and policy grounded experimentation, case studies ,and moving beyond the theoretical.
A Love Letter to the Parliamentary Counsel of the World
A communication piece illustrating the need for a small addition to how government publishes legislation. Examples given for EU and New Zealand law.
What is Better Rules?
Better Rules utilizes multidisciplinary teams that include people skilled in policy, legal, business rules, programming, and service design working together in an iterative fashion to develop rules. Several outputs are produced using this approach, each offering an opportunity that can be fed back into that iterative process and re-used to solve other issues.