Author: Cara Karter
The Average Food Stamp Application is 17 Pages Long
In June 2021, we analyzed the paper (PDF) version of the SNAP (food stamps) application for all 53 participating states and territories. We found that the average paper application was 17 pages long, including all informational pages. Considering that some paper applications included additional programs, we also analyzed which of those pages included questions about SNAP. On average, the paper applications included SNAP content on 9 pages.
Struggles and solutions: Insights into the SNAP Application Process from Illinois Outreach Workers and Applicants
mRelief recently completed a research study to investigate whether there are specific parts of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP; also known as food stamps) benefits application process that make it difficult to complete. We conducted interviews with mRelief users and SNAP outreach workers (individuals whose job responsibilities include providing SNAP application assistance in person or over the phone) in Illinois. We also conducted group interviews with SNAP outreach workers to collaborate with them to uncover findings and develop recommendations.