Author: Amanda Renteria
Welcome to FormFest
This mainstage session from FormFest 2024 included conversations about form design, accessibility, user experience, and data collection to show how good forms can build trust and confidence in government.
Digital Public Benefits: Outlook 2025 at BenCon 2024
A panel of non-profit leaders discuss the future of digital public benefits, highlighting potential challenges and opportunities for 2025.
Making Our Systems See People
Code for America CEO introduces the Safety Net Innovation Lab in a TED Talk, their initiative to work with state governments to reimagine and rebuild delivery of accessible and equitable benefits. This article also includes the video of Renteria’s talk and a transcript.
Helping More Than 1.3 Million Schoolchildren Access Pandemic EBT—in Just One Week
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the federal government authorized a new emergency program, Pandemic EBT (P-EBT), to replace school meals with money for groceries while schools are closed. Code for America describes its efforts to launch an accessible, online P-EBT application under an accelerated timeline due to to immense demand caused by the pandemic.
What Government Programs Should Measure: How Well They Help People
It is necessary give the public servants who manage safety-net systems the technology tools and incentives to track critical outcomes and meet people where they are.
The Transformative Power of a People-Centered, Digital-First Safety Net
Code for America discusses the importance of a people-centered, digital-first safety net. Tools of technology, policy, and good implementation can advance a bold vision that will allow the nation to push through the end of the COVID-19 crisis.