Topic: Cybersecurity
Talent + Hiring Security Compliance Architect
This is a job description for the role of Security Compliance Architect from the Technology Transformation Services (TTS).
Talent + Hiring Information Security Specialist
This is a job description for the role of Information Security Specialist from the State of California.
Talent + Hiring IT Operations and Security Lead
This is a job description for the role of IT Operations and Security Lead from the Canadian Digital Service (CDS).
Talent + Hiring Security Engineer
This is a job description for the role of Security Engineer from the State of California.
Talent + Hiring Engineering and Cybersecurity Lead
This is a job description for the role of Engineering & Cybersecurity Lead from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSAgov), HHS.
Engineering + Software Development The Integral Pillars for Digital Benefits Delivery: Access, Security, and Accuracy at BenCon 2024
Government leaders discuss how to ensure seamless access to public benefits through breaking down silos, user-friendly digital identities, and privacy-focused security measures.
Policy Skimming: Tackling SNAP Benefit Theft
The article highlights the growing issue of SNAP benefit theft through skimming and advocates for permanent security measures and benefit replacements to protect vulnerable households.